Pinterest Ads vs Facebook Ads: Pros, Cons & ROI

Looking to boost your brand’s visibility and drive more customers to your business through social media marketing? Wondering which social media platform, Pinterest or Facebook, can deliver better results for your promoted pins? Well, you’re in the right place!

Pinterest, a visual discovery platform with over 450 million active users, offers businesses a captivating way to showcase their products through promoted pins. On the other hand, Facebook’s extensive user base of 2.8 billion monthly active users provides an immense opportunity for brands to connect with potential customers using various ad formats.

But how do these platforms actually work? Pinterest allows users to create boards where they can save and organize inspiring images called pins. Businesses can then promote these pins as ads to reach a wider audience. Meanwhile, Facebook offers diverse ad options across its platforms like Instagram ads, enabling brands to target specific demographics and interests.

Both Pinterest and Facebook have become powerhouses in social media advertising due to their popularity and wide user base. So, whether you’re looking to tap into Pinterest’s visually-driven community or leverage Facebook’s vast network of users across different platforms, it all comes down to choosing the right platform for marketers and marketing your brand.

Intrigued? Let’s explore further!

Pros and Cons of Pinterest Ads and Facebook Ads

pinterest ads

Advantages of Pinterest ads:

  • Pinterest ads are a great way to increase brand awareness and reach a larger audience on this popular social media platform. These ads use captivating visuals to effectively showcase products or services, making them a powerful marketing platform for businesses.
  • With Pinterest’s marketing platform, advertisers can use niche targeting options to reach specific audiences based on their interests, hobbies, and preferences. This allows them to create targeted campaigns using the social platform’s features, in addition to utilizing Facebook Ads Manager.
  • Pinterest is a great platform for driving conversions because it attracts users with high purchase intent. With Pinterest’s strong user base and focus on visual content, it is an ideal marketing channel for running campaigns and reaching potential customers. By utilizing the Facebook Ads Manager, you can effectively manage your advertising campaigns on Pinterest and other social networks.

Advantages of Facebook ads:

  • Facebook, with its large user base, offers a massive audience for advertisers in the marketing industry. This makes it an ideal platform for businesses looking to expand their networks. Additionally, Pinterest is another popular platform that businesses can utilize to reach a wider audience and boost their marketing efforts.
  • Detailed audience targeting: Businesses can use the Pinterest platform for marketing purposes and utilize various parameters such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and connections to precisely target their desired audience.
  • Diverse ad formats: Facebook offers a range of ad formats including business images, videos, carousels, and interactive options to suit different marketing goals. Additionally, Pinterest provides the option to pin content related to your business.

Disadvantages of Pinterest ads:

  • Limited demographic range: While Pinterest has gained popularity among certain demographics like women in the US, it may not offer the same marketing reach as Facebook across all age groups or regions. Businesses can use Facebook’s ad platform to target a broader audience and expand their marketing efforts.
  • Lower overall user engagement in marketing compared to Facebook: Although Pinterest attracts engaged users within its niche communities, it generally experiences lower overall engagement levels in the ad platform business compared to the vast user interactions on Facebook.

Disadvantages of Facebook ads:

  • Increased competition in the marketing business: Due to its extensive user base and popularity among advertisers, competition for visibility on Facebook can be fierce. The pin is an effective tool for increasing visibility.
  • Given the potential for ad fatigue among business users, as they are exposed to numerous business ads on their newsfeeds daily, there is a risk that they may become desensitized or fatigued by repeated business advertisements.

Comparing ROI for Online Sellers: Pinterest Ads vs. Facebook Ads

Successful ROI with Pinterest ads for online sellers

  • Numerous business case studies have demonstrated the successful return on investment (ROI) that online sellers can achieve through Pinterest ads.
  • Examples in the business world include fashion retailers who experienced a notable boost in website traffic and sales by implementing targeted campaigns on the platform.

Successful ROI with Facebook ads for online sellers

  • Online sellers have also seen impressive ROI through Facebook ads, as highlighted by various case studies.
  • One example is an electronics retailer that reported a 4x increase in revenue from their Facebook ad campaigns.
  • Similarly, a beauty brand witnessed a substantial boost in customer acquisition and engagement by leveraging Facebook’s advertising capabilities.

Comparison of average cost per click (CPC) and conversion rates on both platforms

-Pinterest generally offers lower rates compared to Facebook, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious online sellers.

  • On the other hand, while Facebook’s CPC might be higher, its larger user base allows for broader reach and potential exposure to more potential customers.
  • Conversion rates vary between the two platforms depending on factors such as industry and target audience. Some businesses may find better success with Pinterest due to its visual nature, while others may see higher conversions on Facebook due to its robust targeting options.

Varying ROI based on different industries

  • It’s important to note that different industries can experience varying levels of ROI on each platform.
  • For instance, businesses in the fashion and lifestyle sectors often find success with Pinterest due to its visually appealing format that resonates well with users seeking inspiration or product discovery.
  • Conversely, companies in the B2B space or those offering professional services might find better results utilizing Facebook’s precise targeting capabilities and emphasis on relationship-building.

Targeted Advertising: Which Platform is More Suitable?

Pinterest Ads Targeting Options

  • Keyword targeting: Advertisers can target their ads based on specific keywords related to their products or services.
  • Interest targeting: Ads can be shown to users who have expressed interest in certain topics or categories on the platform.
  • Demographic targeting: Advertisers can narrow down their audience based on factors such as age, gender, and location.
  • Audience targeting: Pinterest allows advertisers to target audiences similar to their existing customer base or website visitors.
  • Behavioral targeting: Ads can be displayed to users based on their past behavior and interactions on Pinterest.

Facebook Ads Targeting Options

  • Demographic targeting: Advertisers can select the age, gender, location, and language preferences of their target audience.
  • Interest targeting: Facebook allows advertisers to target users who have shown interest in specific topics, pages, or events.
  • Behavioral targeting: Ads can be tailored based on user behavior such as online purchases, device usage, and app activity.
  • Custom audience targeting: Advertisers can reach out to a specific group of people by uploading customer lists or using website visitor data.

Effectiveness and Precision Comparison

Both platforms offer powerful targeting capabilities; however, there are some differences worth considering:

  1. Reach:
  • Facebook has a larger user base with over 2.8 billion monthly active users globally.
  • Pinterest has around 478 million monthly active users worldwide.
  1. Intent:
  • Users on Pinterest often search for inspiration and ideas before making purchasing decisions.
  • Facebook captures a broader range of user intent due to its diverse content consumption.
  1. Visual vs. Social:
  • Pinterest emphasizes visual content discovery while Facebook focuses more on social interactions.
  1. Search Engine vs. Social Network:
  • Pinterest acts more like a visual search engine where users actively seek out ideas and products.
  • Facebook is primarily a social network where users engage with friends, family, and brands.

Factors to Consider

When determining which platform aligns better with specific target audience demographics, consider the following factors:

  • Nature of the product or service: Is it visually appealing or more socially-driven?
  • Target audience behavior: Are they actively searching for products or relying on social recommendations?
  • Budget and cost per click (CPC) considerations: Facebook generally has higher CPC rates compared to Pinterest.
  • Ad format preferences: Pinterest focuses on static images and videos, while Facebook offers various ad formats like carousel ads and stories.

User Engagement: Analyzing the Impact of Pinterest and Facebook Ads

Time Spent on Each Platform

  • Pinterest users spend an average of X minutes per session, while Facebook users spend Y minutes.
  • Pinners tend to browse for inspiration longer than Facebook users, making them more likely to engage with ads.

Comparing User Engagement Metrics

  • Likes, comments, and shares on Pinterest ads show higher engagement compared to Facebook ads.
  • Pinners actively interact with content by saving pins, creating boards, and exploring related ideas.
  • In contrast, Facebook ad engagement primarily revolves around likes and comments.

User Behavior Differences

  • Pinterest’s user base consists of creative individuals seeking inspiration for various projects.
  • They actively search for products and ideas, making them receptive to brand awareness campaigns.
  • On the other hand, Facebook’s active users encompass a broader range of interests and age groups due to its extensive audience base.

Types of Content Generating Higher Engagement

  • Pins featuring visually appealing images or videos tend to attract more attention from pinners.
  • Infographics and step-by-step tutorials are highly popular on Pinterest due to its emphasis on DIY projects and creative endeavors.
  • Conversely, engaging storytelling or relatable content often performs well in Facebook ads.

Conversion Rates: Comparing Performance on Both Platforms

Pinterest Ads

  • Pinterest ads have shown impressive conversion rates across various industries and business types.
  • Average conversion rates achieved through Pinterest ads are significantly higher compared to other platforms.
  • The visually appealing ad formats on Pinterest contribute to higher engagement and conversions.
  • Targeting options on Pinterest allow businesses to reach their desired audience effectively.

Facebook Ads

  • Facebook ads also offer competitive conversion rates, although they tend to be slightly lower than those of Pinterest.
  • The wide range of ad formats available on Facebook provides businesses with diverse options for promoting their products or services.
  • Effective targeting strategies can help improve conversion rates on Facebook, ensuring ads reach the right audience.
facebook ads

Factors Influencing Conversion Rates

Conversion rates on both platforms are influenced by several factors:

  1. Ad Design: Eye-catching visuals and compelling copy play a crucial role in capturing users’ attention and driving conversions.
  2. Targeting: Precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors enhances the likelihood of reaching potential customers who are more likely to convert.
  3. Industry or Business Type: Conversion rate trends may vary depending on the nature of the industry or type of business. For example, retail brands might experience different conversion rates compared to service-based businesses.

Comparison Based on Industry or Business Type

When comparing conversion rate performance between Pinterest ads and Facebook ads, it is essential to consider industry-specific data:

  • Retail Brands: Pinterest has demonstrated higher average conversion rates for retail brands due to its visual nature that allows showcasing products effectively.
  • Service-Based Businesses: While both platforms can generate conversions for service-oriented businesses, Facebook’s broader user base may provide a wider reach.

Making an Informed Decision

In conclusion,It is important to consider the pros and cons of each platform. Pinterest ads offer a visually appealing and highly targeted advertising option, while Facebook ads provide a wider reach and more diverse ad formats.

For online sellers looking to maximize their return on investment (ROI), both platforms have their advantages. Pinterest ads tend to perform better for certain industries such as fashion, home decor, and food, while Facebook ads can be more effective for reaching a broader audience.

Pinterest excels in helping businesses reach users who are actively searching for inspiration or products related to their interests. On the other hand, Facebook’s extensive user data allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

User engagement is another crucial factor to consider. While both platforms have high user engagement rates, Pinterest users are often in a discovery mindset and actively seeking ideas or products. Facebook users tend to engage more socially with friends and family but may also be receptive to well-targeted advertisements.

In terms of conversion rates, it is essential to analyze performance on both platforms based on your specific business goals. Pinterest has been shown to drive higher average order values (AOVs), making it ideal for businesses with higher-priced products. Meanwhile, Facebook’s broader reach can lead to increased traffic and potentially higher conversion rates.

To make an informed decision about which platform is best suited for your business needs, consider conducting small-scale tests on both Pinterest ads and Facebook ads. Analyze the results carefully by tracking key metrics such as click-through rates (CTRs), cost per click (CPC), conversion rates, and overall return on ad spend (ROAS).

Ultimately, the choice between Pinterest ads vs. Facebook ads depends on your target audience, industry niche, advertising goals, budget constraints, and available resources. By understanding the unique strengths of each platform and aligning them with your business objectives, you can make the most effective use of your advertising budget and drive meaningful results.


Q1: Can I use both Pinterest ads and Facebook ads simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible to run campaigns on both platforms simultaneously. This approach allows you to leverage the strengths of each platform and reach a broader audience while targeting specific demographics or interests.

Q2: Which platform is better for driving website traffic?

Both Pinterest ads and Facebook ads can be effective in driving website traffic. However, Facebook’s larger user base and extensive targeting options may provide a wider reach, while Pinterest’s visually appealing format may attract users who are actively seeking inspiration or products.

Q3: Are Pinterest ads more expensive than Facebook ads?

The cost of advertising on both platforms depends on various factors such as industry competition, target audience, ad placement, and campaign objectives. While Pinterest tends to have higher average order values (AOVs), it does not necessarily mean that the cost per click (CPC) or overall ad spend will be more expensive than Facebook.

Q4: Can I target specific demographics with Pinterest ads?

Yes, Pinterest offers robust targeting options based on demographics such as age, gender, location, language preferences, and device usage. This allows advertisers to narrow down their audience and reach those most likely to engage with their products or services.

Q5: How can I measure the success of my ad campaigns on these platforms?

To measure the success of your ad campaigns on Pinterest and Facebook, track key metrics such as click-through rates (CTRs), conversion rates, cost per click (CPC), return on ad spend (ROAS), and other relevant performance indicators. Analyzing these metrics will help you gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions for optimization.

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